(f. 1974)

Kacper Bozek

Kacper Bozek er utdannet ved Antoni Kenar’s National Art School i Zakopane og Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. Han arbeider med tegning og grafikk. Som grafiker er det dyptrykk og da spesielt metalltrykk som er hans spesialitet.

Etter inspirasjon fra de to polske galleriene  Nautilus og Czas, startet kunstneren et treårig prosjekt som kulminerte i oktober 2007 i ferdigstillelsen av en portefølje bestående av 12 trykk kalt Master and Margarita. Trykkene var i store formater og ble laget i ulike teknikker (etsning, aqvatint, mezzotint, myk lakk) og håndtrykt og signert av kunstneren i en unik utgave av 113 eksemplarer.

I 2013 mottok han sin doktorgrad med en serie av trykk inspirert av The Saragossa Manuscript og Jan Potocki’s biografi.

Vi gjør vårt ytterste for å gjengi bildene mest mulig korrekt, men gjør oppmerksom på at enkelte bilder kan variere noe i farger fra skjerm til skjerm. Vi tar forbehold om mulige skrivefeil og utsolgte bilder.


Antoni Kenar’s National Art School i Zakopane
Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts i Kraków


National Library in Warsaw, Poland
Raczyński Library in Poznań, Poland
The Historical Museum of the City of Kraków, Poland
County Museum in Bydgoszcz, Poland
Loyola University, New Orleans, USA
Print Triennial, Kraków, Poland
Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków, Poland
Katowice Historical Museum, Poland
Salon d’Estampa, Madrid, Spain



2017The Dream of an Etching Artist, Galeria M, Wroclaw, Poland
2017 The Dream of an Etching Artist, Pragaleria, Warsaw, Poland
2017The Dream of an Etching Artist, Nautilius Gallery, Krakow, Poland
2016 Etched reflection of the world, Museum of Katowice History, Paweł Steller Graphic Art Dept., Katowice, Poland
2015 Sociable etching, Pragaleria, Warsaw, Poland
2015 Prints, Galeria M Odwach, Wrocław, Poland
2015 Scuola Internazionale di Grafica, Venice, Italy
2015 Fondazione Il Bisonte, Florence, Italy
2014 Museo della Carta e della Filigrana, Fabriano, Italy
2013 Etching reflection of the world, the Palace of the Rams, Krakow
2011 Kunstverein, Alsdorf, Germany
2010 Museum of the Vistula, Kazimierz Dolny   Nautilus Gallery, Cracow
2007 The Master and Margarita, Nautilus Gallery, Cracow
2004 Gallery of Time, Bedzin   Nautilus Gallery, Cracow   Gallery of the Faculty of Graphic Art in Krakow
2003 Historical Museum of Krakow   Gallery of Modern Art, Myślenice1998 - Gallery of the provinces, Lublin   Gallery Gołogórski, Krakow


2013 Premio Leonardo Sciascia, Florence, Venice, Fabriano, Milan, Italy
2013 1st International Exhibition of Printmaking, In Search of the Lost Paradise, Metropolitan Curia of Granada, Spain
2013 Permanent Representation of Poland to the European Union, Brussels, Belgium
2013 Visible/Invisible. Print of the 21st century, Turchin Center for the Visual Arts, Boone, North Carolina, USA
2013 The multiplicity in unity. Rotogravure printing technology in Poland after 1900, Muzeum Okręgowe, Bydgoszcz, Poland
2013 2nd International Printmaking Symposium Bentlage Rheine, Germany
2002 Travelling, Art Meeting, Tomaszowice, Poland
2011 Eastern European Printmakers, New Orleans, Sommerville, New York, Framingham, USA
2007 Journey. Artistic interpretations, Galeria Nautilus, Kraków, Poland
2006 Prints from the collection of the Krakow Academy of Fine Arts 1946-2006, The Czartoryski Museum and Library, Kraków, Poland
2005 Don Kichot, National Museum, Kraków, Poland; Kaunas, Lithuania
2004 Don Kichot. Contemporary interpretation, Galeria Dominika Rostworowskiego, Kraków, Poland
2003 Grand Prix Young Polish Print, Kraków, Poland; Moscow, Russia
2003 Kunst aus Krakau, Galerie Kunen, Dulmen, Germany
2002 Salon d’Estampa, Madrid, Spain
2002 Mondo Cane, Jan Fejkiel Gallery, Kraków, Poland
2001 Confrontations 2001. Polish & Czech print, Dom Polonii, Kraków, Poland
2001 Dyplom 2000, Art Palace, Kraków, Poland
2001 Galerie Kunen, Dulmen, Germany
2001 Galerie Internationale, Aiseau, Belgium
2000 Kunstere fra Polen, Copenhagen, Denmark
1999 1st International Drawing Competition, Wrocław, Poland



D’Ann & Gus’a Mazzocca (1999); Małgorzat & Andrzej Zając Award (1999); Tadeusz Kulisiewicz Award(2000); Print of the Year, 3rd award (2000); 1st Prize in the exlibris competition organised by The Raczynski Library in Poznan (2001); Print of the Year, Grand Prix (2002); Print of the Month, ZPAP, special award (2008); Premio Leonardo Sciascia amateur d’estampes 7th Edition, 2nd award (2013).

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