Patrick Huse
(f. 1948)
Patrick Huse arbeider som billedkunstner og grafiker.
Patrick Huse sine prosjekt stiller mange grunnleggande enkle spørsmål. Blant dei, kva nettopp natur er; korleis omgrepet vert brukt i ei rekkje samanhengar og korleis det stiller seg til «landskap».
Natur eller den delen av naturen vi kallar landskap har alltid vore eit omdreiingspunkt i Huse si kunstnarleg verksemd. Dei erfaringane, opplevingane og dei verdiane som er feldt ned i naturen i seg sjølv, er dei erfaringane han har hatt og er det han har delt med publikum gjennom aktiv utstillingsverksemd dei siste 50 åra.
Vi gjør vårt ytterste for å gjengi bildene mest mulig korrekt, men gjør oppmerksom på at enkelte bilder kan variere noe i farger fra skjerm til skjerm. Vi tar forbehold om mulige skrivefeil og utsolgte bilder.
1970 Statens lærerskole i forming, Oslo, drawing and painting under Rino Harveg Norway
1968 Westerdahl School of Communication, drawing and art history, Norway
Teaching Competence (selected)
2010 Professor competence awarded, Bergen National Academy of the Arts (KHiB), Norway
2010 Professor competence awarded, National Academy of the Arts (KHiO), Norway
1999 Visual art lecturer, Strykejernet kunstskole, Norway
1975-78 Head of drawing department, Sverre Wolff Commercial Art School, Norway
Research and study in following countries
Russia (2007 / 2009), Canada (2002 / 2008), United States (from 1993 / 2000), Iceland (from 1993 to 2010), Greenland (1982 / 2009), Finland (2007 / 2013), France (1968 / 1979), Greek (1971), Italy (1968)
National Museum of Art, Norway
British Museum, England
Pori Art Museum, Finland
The Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland
National Gallery, Norway
Henie Onstad Art Centre, Norway
Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway
Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland
Preus National Museum of Photography, Norway
Drammen Museum, Norway
Tromsø Art Association, Norway
Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland
Qaqortoq Museum, Greenland
Hafnarborg Institute of Culture and Fine Art, Iceland
Rogaland Art Museum, Norway
Riksgalleriet / The National Museum of Contemporary Art, Norway
Norwegian Council of Culture, Norway
Drammen Art Associa tion, Norway
Ammassalik / Tasiilaq Cultural Museum, Greenland
The City of Oslo Art Collection, Norway
KpA, Kunst på arbeidsplassen, Norway
Kunst i skolen, Norway
University Library, Norway
University of Trondheim Art Collection, Norway
Haugesund Art Association, Norway
Moss Gallery Art Association, Norway
Oppland fylkes commune, Norway
Trondheim Art Association, Norway
Sparebankstiftelsen DNB Nor, Norway
Eimskip Art Collection, Iceland
Samskip Art Collection, Iceland
Gunnar Eggertsson HF, Iceland
Statoil Art Collection, Norway
Norsk Hydro Art Collection, Norway
Telenor Media Art Collection, Norway
Sparebank 1 Gudbrandsdal, Norway
Solo Exhibitions
2022 Fallow Land, 3,14 Kunsthall, Bergen.
2020 Landing Woodwork, Nils Aas Kunstverksted, Inderøy.
2020 Beyond Landscape, Kunstverket Galleri, Oslo.
2020 Subtle Inquiry; 2nd part, Oppland kunstsenter, Lillehammer.
2020 Northern Imaginary,Sogn og Fjordane Kunstmuseum, Førde.
2018 Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland. Subtle Inquest; An inquiry into landscape drawing.
2017 Kunstverket Galleri, Oslo
2017 Soli Brug, Norway. Nordic Impressions
2017 Prosjektrom3, Norway. Social Topics of Landscape; visualizing the social landscape
2017 Nils Aas Kunstverksted/Stiklestad Nasjonale Kultursenter, Norway. Social Topics of Landscape. Woodblock
2017 Prosjektrom3, Norway. Woodcut Landscape II
2016 Elephant kunsthall, Norway. Archive Solution; stories in social symptoms and social landscapes. In Cooperation with International Visual Sociology Association conference Norway.
2016 Prosjektrom3, Norway. Woodcut landscape
2015 Con;Temporary AG, Norway. Fragments
2014 Lillehammer University College, Norway. NERA Conference exhibition, Concerns of Diversity
2014 Con;Temporary AG, Norway. North / Nord
2013 Kunstverket Galleri, Oslo, Norway. Understanding Nature / Nature of Understanding II
2012 Nikolaj Kunsthall, Denmark. Northern Imaginary 3rd Part
2012 Madeleine Lång Gallery (Lilla Galleriet Helsingborg), Sweden. Understanding Nature / Nature of Understanding
2012 Nikolaj Kunsthall, Denmark. Northern Imaginary 3rd Part
2012 Madeleine Lång Gallery (Lilla Galleriet Helsingborg), Sweden. Understanding Nature / Nature of Understanding
2011 Rovaniemi Regional Museum in Arktikum, Finland. Realms of Belonging
2011 Tromsø Contemporary Art Gallery, Norway. Northern Imaginary 3rd Part
2011 Stockholm Art Fair, Market at Royal Swedish Academy of Fine Arts / Atelje Larsen,Sweden. Photogravure
2010 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. Preserving Memory
2010 Pori Art Museum, Finland. Northern Imaginary 3rd Part
2009 Murmansk Art Museum, Russia. Northern Imaginary
2009 Drammens Museum, Norway. Illuminated Landscape installation/ Conceivable Garden, Greenhouse Series
2009 Qaqortoq Museum, Greenland. Intimate Absence
2008 RiddoDuottarMuseat / The Saami Collections-Karasjok, Norway. Intimate Absence
2007 Arkhangelsk Museum of Fine Art, Russia. Intimate Absence
2007 University of Lapland, Finland. Video installation: Perpetual Motion
2007 University of Toronto, Canada. Video installation: Perpetual Motion
2007 Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland. Intimate Absence Project
2007 Kemi Art Museum, Finland. Intimate Absence
2006 Hafnarborg Institute of Culture and Fine Art, Iceland. Intimate Absence Project
2006 Ammassalik Museum, Greenland. Encounter / East Greenland Impressions
2005 Henie Onstad Art Center, Norway. Intimate Absence Project
2005 Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum, Canada. Encounter Project
2004 Katuaq Cultural Centre Greenland, Greenland. Encounter Project
2004 Akureyri Art Museum, Iceland. Encounter Project
2004 Rogaland Art Museum, Norway. Encounter Project
2003 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. Encounter Project .
2003 The Reykjavik Art Museum, Hafnarhusið, Iceland. Penetration Project.
2002 Trondheim Art Museum, Norway. Penetration Project
2002 Nord Trøndelag County Gallery, Norway. Print series
2001 The Stenersen Museum, Norway. Penetration Project.
2000 Frye Art Museum, USA. Rift Project
1999 The Reykjavik Art Museum, Kjarvalstadir, Iceland. Rift Project.
1998 Henie Onstad Art Center, Norway. Rift Project
1998 Gallery Christian Dam, Denmark. Documentary Evidence.
1998 Drammen Museum, Norway. Print Collection.
1998 Haugar Vestfold Art Museum, Norway. Documentary Evidence.
1998 Bergen Museum of Art, Norway. Documentary Evidence.
1996 Nordic Heritage Museum, Seattle, USA. Nordic Landscape.
1996 Millesgården Museum, Sweden. Nordic Landscape.
1995 Bergen Kunsthall, Norway. Nordic Landscape.
1995 Hafnarborg, Institute of Culture and Fine Art, Iceland. Nordic Landscape.
1994 Blomqvist Gallery, Norway. Nordic Landscape.
1993 Stavanger Gallery of Contemporary Art, Norway
1992 Opland, Regional Artist Centre, Norway
1991 Sandefjord Gallery of Contempory Art,
1991 Trondheim Gallery of Contemporary Art, Norway
1991 Moss Gallery of Contemporary Art, Norway
1986 Norwegian Forestry Museum, Norway
1986 Sandvig Collection, Lillehammer, Norway
1982 The Association of Norwegian Print Artist, Gallery, Norway. Greenland Impressions.
1980 Haugesund Gallery of Contemporary Art, Norway
1980 Gallery Origo, Sweden
1979 Gallery Horneman, Norway
1978 Drammen Gallery of Contemporary Art, Norway
1977 Kunstnerforbundet, Norway
1975 Galtung Gallery, Norway
1971 Aust Agder Museum. Norway
Group Exhibitions
2020 Nye blikk, Ny kunst i samlingen 2005-2019, Drammen Museum.
2020 London Original Print Fair.
2019 30 års jubileumsutstilling, Kunstverket Galleri, Oslo.
2018 Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, England
2018 In cooperation with Kunstverket, Norway. London Original Print Fair
2017 Galleri Fjordheim, Norway. Selected prints.
2017 Oppland kunstsenter, Norway. Artist Book Fair, BASTARD
2016 Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, England
2016 In cooperation with Kunstverket, Norway. London Original Print Fair
2015 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. Dating Art
2015 Oslo City Hall Gallery, Norway. Kunst på arbeidsplassen, Nordic Contemporary Art 2010-2015
2015 Drammen Art Museum, Norway. Crossroads
2014 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. Crossroads
2012 Sami Center for Contemporary Art, Norway. Polar Positions
2012 National Museum of Art, Norway. Prisme. Drawings from 1990 to 2012
2011 Dunkers Kulturhus / Atelje Larsen, Sweden. Under stor press, Photogravure
2011 Lillehammer museum – Maihaugen, Norway. Opplandutstillingen
2008 Lilllehammer Art Museum, Norway. Strek i bevegelse / Movable Line
2007 Hot Arctic - Barents Spectacle, Norway. Northern Imaginary Series
2006 Hafnarborg Institute of Culture and Fine Art, Iceland. Hin bliðu raun / The Friendly Lava
2005 Prins Eugens Waldemarsudde, Stockholm, Sweden. Myth and Landscape
2000 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. The last 25 years of Norwegian Figurative Painting
2000 National Gallery, Norway. Recent Acquisitions 1997 - 1999
1999 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. 100 years, 100 paintings
1999 The association of Norwegian Drawing Artists, Norway. Official Spring Exhibition
1996 Oslo Gallery of Contemporary Art, Norway. Norwegian Romantic Tradition
1996 Henie Onstad Art Centre, Norway. In the Forbidden Landscape
1993 Forum Gallery, New York. Contemporary Figurative Art
1983 The Association of Norwegian Print Artists, Moscow Exhibition, Russia
1982 The Association of Norwegian Print Artists, summer exhibition Norway
1980 The Association of Norwegian Print Artists
1977 Spring Exhibition, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists, Norway
1977 The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Norway
1976 The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Norway
1971 The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Norway
1970 The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Norway
2014 Concerns of Diversity, Production Delta Press / Lillehammer University College Norway, ISBN 978 82 999494 0 8
2011 Realms of Belonging, Production Delta Press, Norway / Lapland Regional Museum, Finland, ISBN 978 82 995758 9 8
2008/2010 Northern Imaginary 3rd part., Production Delta Press, Norway / Pori Art Museum, Finland, ISBN 978 82 995758 7 4
2005 Intimate Absence, Henie Onstad Art Center / Delta Press, ISBN 82 995758 6 9
2003 East Greenland Impressions, Lillehammer Art Museum / Delta Press, ISBN 82 995758 5 0
2003 Encounter, Lillehammer Art Museum / Delta Press, ISBN 82 995758 4 2
2001 Penetration, Artist book, Delta Press, ISBN 82 995758 1 8
2001 Penetration, Stenersen Museum / Delta Press, ISBN 82 995758 2 6
1998 Rift, Aschehoug Publishing House, ISBN 82 03 22295 1
1994 Nordic Landscapes, JW Cappelen Publishing House, ISBN 82 02 14841
1982 Greenland Impression, Artist book (Poems and woodcut)
Collective publications (selected)
2013 PATHWAY/ POLKU, Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland 2013
2012 Prisme – Drawing from 1990-2012, National Museum of Art Norway, ISBN 978 82 8154 064 4
2011 Kuiper Nord, Nr. 2/2011, Norway
2011 Høydepunkt Lillehammer Kunstmuseum, ISBN 978 82 91388 65 6
2011 Lillehammer Kunstmuseums landskaper, ISBN 978 82 91388 67 0
2011 Under Pressure, Dunkers kunsthall, Helsingborg
2011 Opplandsutstillingen / Handlingsregler - Landskap i norsk samtidskunst, ISBN 978 82 998836 0 3
2010 Nordicite, Éditions J'ai VU, Québec, Canada 2010
2008 Movable Line / Strek I bevegelse, Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway, ISBN 978 82 91388 54 0
2008 Tankens form, Art Critique 1979-2008 Author Trond Borgen, Wigestrand Publisher – Norway
2007 Dialogues in Diversity. Interviews with international artists. Author John Grande, Montreal, Canada. Pari Publishing, Italy, ISBN 978 88 901960 7 2
2005 Prisma,No.: 1/2005 Henie Onstad Art Centre Norway, ISBN 0805 4010
1986 café Existens / Tidskrift for Nordisk litteratur No.: 31/32, ISBN 0348 205
2012 Understanding Nature/Nature of Understanding – Delta Press, Norway, ISBN 978 82 995758 0 5
2010 Preserving Memory, Delta Press/Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway, ISBN: 978-82-995758- 8-1
2003 Penetration, Delta Press / Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland, ISBN 82 995758 3 4
1998 Documentary Evidence - Bergen Art Museum Norway, Haugar Museum of Art Norway, Christian Dam Gallery Copenhagen.
Artist books and pedogogical material represented in following public institutions and libraries
National Museum of Art, library, Norway
RiddoDuottarMuseat / The Sámi Collection Karasjok, Norway
University Library Tromsø, Norway
Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway
Arctic Council / Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Norway
Nordic Council Delegation, Norwegian Government, Norway
Nord-Fron Commune Library, Norway
Bergen Art Museum Library, Norway
University of Stavanger library, Norway
Finnmark University College Library. Norway
Sámi allakuvla / Sámi University College library, Norway
Bodø University College Library, Norway
National Library, Norway
Drammen Museum of Art, Norway
Henie Onstad Art Centre, Norawy
Stenersen Museum, Norway
National Gallery of Australia Research Library, Australia
Uqam, University of Quebec Library, Canada
University of Laval Library, Canada
Canadian Museum of History Library, Canada
National Gallery of Canada Library, Can
Nunatta Sunakkutaangit Museum Library, Canada
Canadian Museum of Civilization Library, Canada
Canadian Museum of Contemporary Photography Library, Canada
Centre de services partagés Quebec, Catalogue Cubiq, Canada
Canadian Centre for Architecture, Canada
University of Toronto Fine Art Library, Canada
University of Masaryk Brno, The Czech Republic
The Moravian Art Gallery Library, The Czech Republic The Royal Library Copenhagen, Denmark
DanBibDk / Bibliotek.dk, Denmark Nikolaj Kunsthall, Denmark
Danish Union Catalogue and Danish National Bibliography, Denmark
Tate Library and Archive, England
University of Cambridge Library, England
The British Library, St. Pancras, England
Finnish National Gallery Library, Finland
Kemi Art Museum library, Finland
Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland
Rovaniemi Provincial Museum in Arktikum, Finland
Pori Art Museum, Finland
Bibliothèque interuniversitaire Sainte-Geneviève, France
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Germany
Ammassalik (Tasilaq) Museum, Greenland
Qaqortoq Museum, Greenland
Reykjavik Art Museum, Iceland
Háskóli Islands Félagsvísindadeilkd, Iceland
Hafnarborg Institute of Culture and Fine Art, Iceland
University of Iceland Library, Iceland
Nordic House Library, Iceland
Bókasafn Hafnarfjarđar, Iceland
Stefansson Arctic Institute, Iceland
Bibliothéque Nationale de Luxemburg, Luxemburg
The State Museum Association “Art Culture of the Russian North (Arkhangelsk Fine Art Museum), Russia
Murmansk Art Museum, Russia
Prince Augens Waldemarsudde Library, Sweden Fotografibiblioteket, Moderna museet, Sweden
Dorothea Library, Sweden
University of Stockholm Library, Sweden
The Swedish Institute of Social Research, Sweden
University of Lund, Sweden
Millesgården, Sweden
Kongl. Konsthögskolan, Arkitektskolans bibliotek, Sweden
Libris Consortium, Sweden
Kunsthaus Zürich Library, Switzerland
Médiathéque Valais, Switzerland
Smithsonian Institution Libraries / Siris Library, USA
Nordic Heritage Museum, USA
Instaar, University of Colorado, USA
Frye Art Museum Library, USA
Hamilton College Daniel Burke Library Cornish College of Art Library, USA
Thomas J. Watson Library, Metropolitan Museum of Art, USA New York University, Elmer Holms Bobst Library, USA
Sterling and Francien Clark Art Institute, USA
Brooklyn Museum Libraries and Archives, USA
New School Libraries and Archives, USA
Walker Art Centre, USA
Art Institute of Chicago, USA
Ingalls Library, Cleveland Museum of Art, USA
San Fransisco Museum of Art, USA
Library of Congress Washington, USA
University of Iowa Libraries, USA
Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), USA
Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), USA
Video performance
2013 Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland. Running Water / PATHWAY; between Social Desires and Social Needs.
2010 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. Altered Landscape
2007 Arktikum / University of Lapland, Finland. Perptual Motion
2007 University of Toronto, Canada. Politics of nature Imagery
2004 Rogaland Art Museum, Norway. Time and Transmittance
2003 Lillehammer Art Museum, Norway. Time and Transmittance
2001 Stenersen Museum. Perpetual Motion
Documentary video
2010 Patrick Huse, Interviewed by Janeke Meyer Utne, Delta Press/Motus Film Norway
2010 Altered Landscape, videoinstallation – Patrick Huse, Production Delta Press, Norway
2005 Constructing Landscape, a portrait of Patrick Huse, Jack van Domburg / Instamatic, Norway
2005 Matthew Nuqingaq, Documentary Inuit drumdancing, Delta Press, Norway
2002 Spoken, Video Interviews Resolute Bay, Delta Press, Norway
2001 Patrick Huse, Interviewed by Holger Koefoed, Delta Press/Motus Film Norway
1999 RIFT, Aschehoug Publishing House / Motus Film, Norway
1994 Nordic Landscape, Nils Petter Lotherington/ Motus Film, Norway
Conference / Lecture presentations (selected)
2016 Prosjektrom3, Norway. Workshop: Harvesting Wasteland by Patrick Huse
2015 University of Quebec/University of Rekjavik, Iceland Darkness in the North Conference. Cloudy, Dark and Moody; a long gloomy tradition of northern landscape painting.
2014 University of Stavanger, Norway Alternative Methods of collecting historical knowledge.
2013 Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland PATHWAY; between Social Desires and Social Needs.
2010 Pori Art Museum, Finland. Patrick Huse & Gavin Jantjes. Talent and Responsibility; artist and institutions roles in public space
2010 Pori Art Museum, Finland. Patrick Huse: Idealism without illutions: An artist approach to society
2007 University of Toronto, Canada. North and Nordicity, Conference. Patrick Huse: Politics of Nature Imagery
2007 Arctic Centre / University of Lapland, Finland. Knowledge and power in the North Conference, Patrick Huse: Politics of Nature Imagery
2006 University of Stockholm, Sweden. Colours/Lights of the Northern Conference. Patrick Huse: Why is the North different from any other place?
2005 Ugam, Université du Québeq à Montréal, Canada. Patrick Huse: Political Dilemmas; Art and Identity
2000 Iceland Academy of Art, Iceland. Patrick Huse: A Personal Experience.
1996 Henie Onstad Art Center, Norway. Patrick Huse: In the Presence.
2015 OCA, Office of Contemporary Art, Norway
2014 Nord Fron Commune, Norway - Cultural prize
2012 Oppland Art Center, Norway
2009 Nordic Culture Point, Finland
2009 Barents Secretariat, Norway
2008 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Norway
2007 Nordic Culture Fund
2007 Barents Secretariat, Norway
2003 Nordic Culture Fond
2003 Norwegian Council of Cultural Affairs
From 2002-14 GI, Norwegian yearly grant for artists
1999 American Scandinavian Foundation, New York
1998 Norwegian Visual Artist’s Fond
1997 Norwegian Visual Artist’s Fond
1982 The Association of Norwegian Print Artists Fund
1979 Ib Schlytter’s Fund
1978 Inger and Edward Munch’s Fund
2018 Member of jury, Østlandsutstillingen, Norway
2017 Member of jury, Østlandsutstillingen. Norway
2013 Member of board OK (Oppland Art Center), Norway
2012 Member of board OK (Oppland Art Center), Norway
2005 Chairman National Grant Committee, Norway
2005 Chairman, Supervising Council-Kunstnernes Hus, Norway
2004 Chairman National Grant Committee, Norway
2004 Chairman, Supervising Council – Kunstnernes Hus, Norway
2003 Chairman, National Grant Committee, Norway
2003 Chairman, Supervising Council - Kunstnernes Hus,Norway
2003 Advising Council, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artist
2002 Chairman, Supervising Council, Kunstnernes Hus, Norway
2002 Advising Council, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artist
2001 Member of National Jury, Norway
2001 Advising Council, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists
2000 Member of National Jury, Norway
2000 Chairman, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists
1999 Member of board, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists
1998 Chairman, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists
1981 Gallery Committee, The Association of Norwegian Print Artists
1978 Member of jury, The Association of Norwegian Drawing Artists
«L’art contre la synthèse. L’œuvre de l’artiste norvégien Patrick Huse et l’écologie de l’imaginaire», Realidad. Revista del Cono sur de Psycología social y Política.
University of Argentine J.F. Kennedy, no 6, 2006, Argentine
ANTENNAE, The Journal of Nature in Visual Culture, Issue 10-2009. The Uncultivated Landscape: Patrick Huse. Text and questions by John K. Grande.
NBK, Norwegian Visual Artist Association
Norwegian Printmakers Association
OBK, Oppland Visual Artist Association, Norway